copyright Bear (2023) analysis

We're talking about you, gentlemen and women put on your seatbelts, and anticipate a rollercoaster of crazy! "copyright Bear" is an absolute trip, in more kinds of ways. The movie takes an "bear-y" true story and transforms it into a amusing horror comedy that'll get you laughing, scratching your head and pondering the lives of bears and drug smugg

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An innovative and fresh idea: copyright Bear (2023)

Oh, ladies and gentlemen buckle up your seatbelts and look forward to a ride filled with outrageousness! "copyright Bear" is an epic ride that is enjoyable in many aspects than. This film takes a "bear-y" true story and transforms it into a humorous horror film that will leave you laughing, scratching your head, and wondering about whether the life

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Godzilla (2014) Movie Review

The biggest badassed badass is back! But before being back, dat boi was back again. The second shot America had at making a Godzilla movie that wasn't just a re-edit of a real Godzilla movie, "Godzilla" which we always just (click article) call Godzilla 2014 was produced by Legendary Pictures in.. well.. 2014. People were concerned obviously, after

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Carnosaur 2 Movie Review

How do you follow up a story quite as crazy as Carnosaur? Simple! Discard absolutely everything except for one shred so you can prove what you are making really is a sequel, and save even more money by using a script that everyone already knows! This brings us Carnosaur 2, a Roger Corman production that.. seems pretty damn similar to (blog post) so

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Top 10 Leprechaun Kills

When you've got a long running horror comedy franchise, you tend to rack up a nice, big body count. Leprechaun is no exception, despite a modest first showing the little guy has piled up over half a hundred cold ones in a mere 8 movies.As such, there's no time like the present to rank the best 10 of the bunch! A top 10 video! For the younger of tho

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